Deluxe Website

Deluxe Website Includes: Timeline: Typically 6-10 weeks, sometimes a bit more or less depending on the complexity of the project. Website Discovery + Strategy Session to discuss desires, deliverables, and expectations. Web Styleguide / Moodboard dictating colors,...

3 Day Microsite

3 Day Microsite Includes: Timeline: This is fast-tracked, completed in 3 days time! Note: Timely feedback & active collaboration is a requirement! Kickoff Meeting – Kickoff zoom call & discovery session the day before we start. Web Styleguide / Moodboard...

Full Service

Full Service Website Includes: Timeline: Typically 12 weeks, sometimes a bit less depending on the complexity of the project.   Website Discovery + Strategy Session with the whole team to discuss desires, deliverables, and expectations. Search Engine Optimization...