

BEARGRASS PARTNERS web Client: Beargrass Patient Partners  |  Role: Web Design + Development  |  Agency: Classic Ink Creative   Beargrass Patient Partners is a company that assists in helping their clients medical journey smoother, less intimidating, and more...
Doug Bethune Album

Doug Bethune Album

DOUG BETHUNE album artwork Client: Doug Bethue  |  Role: Design, Art Direction It’s opportunities like this one that remind me how lucky I am to get to do the work that I do! Doug Bethune is my talented father-in-law who hired me to work on the artwork for his...
Luxury Montana Vacation Rental

Luxury Montana Vacation Rental

DOUBLE T WEB web Client: Double T River Ranch  |  Role: Web Design + Development, Art Direction  |  Agency: Classic Ink Creative     The Double T River Ranch came to Classic Ink looking for help creating a new website that would boast large images and...
Lyric Project

Lyric Project

LYRIC PROJECT print Role: Design, Art Direction, Typography The idea behind The Lyric Project is simple. Like anyone, I love music – all types of genres – and beautifully written lyrics speak so deeply to my soul. TLP is a creative tribute to some of my favorite...